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Extra Credit #1: Toxics in Everyday Life

Today, I attended an event that touched upon the hazardous "toxics" that invade our lives. It focused heavily on the toxics that are preventable such as smoking, car smogs, and vape. I wasn't able to stay all 7 hours, but on the first hours, I examined the posters that were displayed outside the lecture room. The poster that got caught my eye the most was the effects of vape shops and their influence on other businesses in Los Angeles. Vapes or also known as e-cigarettes use have been rapidly growing throughout our city. Whether individuals use it to quit smoking or some do it for personal pleasure, most who use it say "it's 10x better than cigarettes, both for the body and for the environment". However, the study showed on the poster stated otherwise. These vape shops states that the indoor environment due to the smokes released in the shops cause occupational risks to employees and the pollutants from the shop eventually carry over to the nearby offices an...

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